Tuesday, November 12, 2013

It's all REALLY good stuff! DAY 1: Who Am I?

Yesterday I began yet another journey that my path is directing me on.  I was invited to join in on a 21 day Meditation Experience with Oprah & Deepak!  Yes Oprah. At one time in my life maybe about 6 years ago, I made a promise to myself that I would meet that woman and it seems closer and closer everyday.  So Day 1 was actually yesterday, but as I have seen with my Brene & Oprah training, timing is everything and on the day I need it is the day it gets done.  The fun part about the Deepak Meditations is they give you an opportunity to journal. So it will be easy for me to share with you.  Day 1 was all about knowing that I am my deepest desire.  The meditation took about 10 minutes and I found myself thinking it was too long LOL.  I guess I need to work on relaxing.  But here is my entry for today!


So Hum
I am.

DAY 1: Who Am I?
Entry created Nov 12, 2013
What is your answer to today’s soul question, “Who am I?” As you write allow yourself the freedom to explore, knowing there is no wrong answer to this question.
Who am I? I am a day late. My humor must always come first. I am funny. I am uncomfortable. I am beautiful. I am charged. I am challenged. I am creative. I am sensitive to myself and others. I am scared. I am a SuperStar Director. I am a Shining Star. I am a dreamer. I am imperfect. I am enough. I am excited. I am candid. I am honest. I am intelligent. I am inspirational. I am me.
What are your intentions for this 21-day experience? What do you want to learn and create in your life during our time together? Being very specific with your intention is a powerful way to start any journey. After writing, take a moment to visualize each intention as a seed you are planting today within your heart. The time you spend meditating and journaling each day is the water and sunshine that allows your vision to sprout.
I am wanting a better center. A better way to be grounded. Elimitate anxiety. Be a better all around person by allowing my gifts to come forward. No matter what those gifts are. I want to inspire at least one person.
Today we begin a daily exploration of gratitude as we invite abundance into our lives. What are you grateful for today?
I am grateful for life, for my kids, for my unborn grandchild, for my Ben, for my home, for my business, for my new office, for the white crisp snow, for people helping me gorw my business by joining my team, buying from me and sharing my vision.
Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.
Although I am a day late.... timing is everything. I understand the commitment it takes to be able to meditate and that will be my first accomplishment.

Mindful Moment

Today is a new beginning, the first step on a very special journey. Along the way there will be new sights to see and concepts to learn. As you travel through this day, take time to acknowledge yourself and celebrate your choice to live mindfully and wholeheartedly! With your mind and heart open, you are creating the space to manifest the life of your dreams.

"The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why."
Mark Twain
Welcome to our 21-Day Experience, Desire and Destiny! We are delighted and honored that you are joining us, as together we expand our understanding of ourselves and we open to the magnificent lives we are meant to live—our destinies.
Our deepest, most heartfelt desires are like stars in a constellation . . . brilliant, twinkling lights that show us the way and create pathways to our true destinies. It is our soul’s mission to connect with, cherish, and realize our desires in order to live our lives to the fullest and make our greatest contributions to the world. In fulfilling our heart-held dreams we flourish, serving ourselves and others from a place of bliss, generosity, and love. Our journey starts at the beginning, in the center, as we go within to listen to our deepest truth.

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