Tuesday, April 29, 2014

What a day!!

I am drawn to blog today!  I don't come on here and spill my feelings often but I felt the need today.

Feeling overwhelmed is an understatement for the excitement, love and inspiration I have felt today.  Not only is this the day I was born, I turned 44... containing not only one of my lucky numbers but 2 ;) Not sure how it is that we come to have a lucky number but I chose 4 along time ago and it has stuck very well throughout the years.  So from the break of dawn this morning I have responded to over 500 wishes, blessings and fun "Happy Birthday" messages on my Facebook profile page.  I was sang to at least 4 times in different octaves and styles.  I was treated to lunch and continue to receive phone calls from my loved ones. What an amazing day... right>?  Well it gets even better... well not sure I can beat being born, but I'll try.

Today I conducted a training call through our home office to ALL of the Scentsy consultants in the company.  I trained on Facebook Parties. About a year ago, I started the process of getting this out to the masses.  I ran up against some pretty hard walls and was shot down a couple times too.  I collected the training information and put it together in a way to be presented and taught.  Finally in January of this year I was asked to present the training at our Leadership Retreat in Cancun (you all remember the trip they lost all my luggage?), I was honored and beside myself.  Well today was the final piece.  It went out to the masses in one of the most attended live training's we have had.  I have been overwhelmed with love and support and encouragement that I have inspired them to make videos, to have parties and to just step out of their comfort zone.  I couldn't feel more proud!!!  or could I?? This is where the frosting gets put on the cake.

3 years ago, I fell upon a training called The Mind Aware Series put on and hosted by Dana Wilde.  Well you all know I have studied her Train Your Brain, but did you know it started when I met her through The Mind Aware?  It was 24 hours of interviews with leading industry trainers.  I feel in love with the information I was learning and quickly learned the power that knowledge had. I told myself 3 years ago, while listening to the interviews with people like Mary Christensen, Casey Eberhart, Julie Anne Jones, Deb Bixler, Lindsey Baigent and so many more, that I could do that and even if I couldn't I would love to speak on her show.  It was a passing thought and dream that apparently I put out into the universe......  3 years later, I, yes me, am going to be a guest, interviewed by Dana Wilde on Season 5 of The Mind Aware Season.  I am not sure if Dana even knew of this dream since I don't believe I ever shared it... matter of fact I am not sure I shared it with anyone.

So not only is it my birthday and not only did I give an awesome training company wide, but I also get to launch Season 5 of The Mind Aware Series for Direct Sellers!!! I am beyond grateful, blessed, appreciative and truly feeling loved........  Thank you God for this most amazing day!!!  xoxo

Somebody Pinch Me!!!

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