Saturday, November 7, 2015

Objective Smoke Free - Day #6 Breaking Bad..... Habits

Day #6
Wow I didn't think it would be this easy to quit smoking.  Please don't take me as arrogant, but I really thought I would have more cravings then I have.  However I would like to address the craving I have and when it happens.  Part of my routine is having 2 cigarettes directly before bed.  I get up from working or watching tv, the decision is made that it's time for bed, I go outside smoke my butts which seemingly make me feel tired and then in I go, take a drink of water and off to bed.  If at anytime I get distracted and do not head off to bed, then there were many times I would go right back out and have another cigarette just so I could come inside, drink and bed.  I have been finding myself standing there or sitting there thinking what do I do. I feel lost, I feel not tired and I feel unfinished in my day without that routine.  I have been going outside, with the dog, having my drink and going to bed, or just going in the garage and coming in to a drink and bed.  It obviously is working but my mind is unsettled.  Tonight I am trying taking the dog out, drink and bed again... but this time telling myself this is the new routine.  This is my new thing!  I don't like that unfinished feeling and feeling a bit lost.  LOL Last night Ben came back in from his ritual and stated he was going to bed. I literally stood there not knowing what to do.  YIKES, reading and typing this, it sounds a bit OCD.  LOL
I got this!  I can do this! My new routine is perfect!  Leo will love it! Here is to a day shy of a week as a non-smoker!

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